Expert Group on Interregional Credit Transfer Mechanisms and Learning Outcomes Systems

The Thai Ministry of Education hosts the next meeting of the Expert Group on interregional Credit Transfer Mechanisms and Learning Outcomes systems in Phuket, Thailand.

The expert group meeting will mainly focus on the progress and monitoring of the development of an interactive Online Compendium of Credit transfer systems that is being developed under coordination of the ASEM Education Secretariat.

More information about the previous meeting can be found here .


Date 28/03/2019
Time 09:30 - 16:00
Location Patong Merlin Hotel


9.30 – Registration

10.00 – Introduction and Adoption of minutes previous meeting

10.15 – State of Play of the Expert Group

10.30 – Revise the ‘Compendium on Credit Systems and Learning Outcomes in ASEM partner countries’

  • Peer review of new individual contributions with the support of the expert group
  • Peer review of adjusted contributions

11.00 – Revise the ‘Compendium on Credit Systems and Learning Outcomes in ASEM partner countries’

  • Discuss the future format and dissemination of the compendium
  • Review draft of online system

12.30 – Lunch

14.00 – Facilitate grade conversion between Asian and European countries:

  • Recall presentation last meeting
  • Do we want to come to a system comparable as in the EU?
  • Can we agree on common principles?
  • Write input for the Chairs’ Conclusions for ASEMME7